“I’m a
carpenter man, I’m a carpenter man, I was born with
hammer in my hand” – sung to the tune of “Workin’
Man’s Blues”......
I was born a
builder! I can remember the fascination with grandpa’s
old “pole handle “ wood toolbox, which I discovered up
in our attic when I was about 8 years old. There were
all kind of interesting tools in it, mostly wooden
handle and antique. There was a hand plane; miter box,
coping saw, big grey clamps, levels, Yankee screwdriver,
keyhole saw, hammers, chalk box, various chisels, and my
favorite – a big red cranking gear handle drill. After
pestering my dad to show me how to use all of them, I
set out to fix anything around the house that I could. I
was just aching for somebody to break something! On slow
summer days I would take my little red “Radio Flyer”
wagon around town and pick up all the soda bottles for
nickel deposits, then I’d take the redeemed money and go
down to the local hardware store to poke around for
supplies for all the projects I would dream up. I would
buy long and thick bolts with nuts, big eyehole bolts,
white hub 8” hard rubber tires, a 6’ piece of braided
rope, and bags of nails and screws. After digging around
in my garage for some scraps of lumber and plywood that
dad had lying around, I got to work. A few days
later, and Viola! – a wooden go-kart with a cross bar 2”
x 4” pivoting rope handle steering mechanism. All those
trips to buy hardware caught the attention of Jake, the
old man who owned the store, and he gave me a job. I
would fix broken windows, repair torn screens, thread
pipe, and pick up nails off the wood plank floor that
had fallen out of the revolving metal nail bins.
One summer,
when I was about 10, I decided to take on a serious
project that I would keep a secret for more than a few
reasons. One reason was that my friends and I had a
secret agent club that this project was related to. Our
club headquarters was in my garage, where we put some
plywood over the attic floorboards and made a ladder on
the wall to climb up. This garage attic retreat is where
we would hold our secret meetings to plan the demise of
the “neighborhood bully.” The only problem was, my dad
kept the door locked and I’d have to ask him whenever I
needed to get in. This arrangement did not work well if
we spotted Melvin (the neighborhood bully) heading to
the playground and would need to call an urgent meeting
to plan our day. So, I decided that I was going to
cut-in and install a secret access door to the garage
behind the giant bush at the back corner of the garage.
I carefully marked the four lines of the 2’ x 2’ opening
using a level and pencil line. The lines connected the
four holes that I had drilled from the inside between
the studs with the big red crank handle drill. I then
used a keyhole saw in the four holes to cut the
clapboard siding enough to fit in the bigger handsaw.
Zuba! Zuba! Zuba!…….away I cut! I took the loose pieces
of the siding and carefully reconstructed them onto two
vertical pieces of 1” x 4” to create a door of like
material. I picture framed a cased opening with
precision miter joints of the finest craftsmanship. I
then mounted the door with spring loaded screen door
hinges and a pull handle knob. Now we could easily
sneak behind the bush and into our garage attic
clubhouse through the secret door that nobody knew was
there. It was great!
But, then fall came, and the leaves
all fell from the big bush that concealed the secret
door. It was then that it was a secret no more, and I’ll
never forget the sound of my dad yelling at me from
across the yard….”GET OVER HERE!” ...….”WHAT'S THIS?”
Needless to say, my dad wasn’t very happy! I remember he
gave me a gentle kick across my backside as I scurried
back to the house with my head hung down. It seemed like
he was mad at me for months. Years later, when I
reflect, I realize that what my dad failed to see was
the level of skill and craftsmanship that was used in
the construction of this secret door into his garage.
Dad passed away long before I ever established my career
in construction, and he never did get a chance to see
that maybe I was “born a builder.” |

Man from