While your plans are being designed, the preliminary
steps will begin for the construction process. For
custom homes, the building site will be tested by soil
engineers who will make recommendations on the best type
of foundation with specifications of its structural
design. Once the foundation is engineered and the
plans are completed, they will be submitted to the
municipal planning department for permits and approval.
After securing the building permits, and provided that
financing is in place and the necessary documents are
signed and recorded, the construction can begin. During
the construction, to assure structural integrity of the
home, all necessary tests and inspections of the work
will be made at each phase of the building process.
Periodic on-site meetings will be arranged to walk the
job together and review work completed. As the
project enters the completion stages, close supervision
of the details and observation of the finish techniques
will be a diligent measure of quality control. Every
effort will be made to exceed your expectations so that
you will feel satisfied that you made a great investment
by selecting us as your builder.
